Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What a big surprise!!

The Happy Mother-to-Be, Just Getting Started

Hello to All!

Welcome to our exciting day...

Barry wore his bright, neon green 2010 "Beat the Odds" t-shirt to his treatment this morning.  Very eye-catching!  We made a few stops on the way home, and arrived just in time for lunch.

Daughter, Erika, phoned just as Barry was sitting down to eat, and he cheerfully began singing "Happy Birthday, to You..." but was cut off mid-song when she told him she needed us to rush over to her house and take her to the hospital--NOW!  (Her husband, Brad, was in his clinic seeing patients of his own.)

That was the beginning of our second adventure at the hospital, Barry still wearing his bright green shirt..  In Erika's words, "It will be a very memorable one (birthday) as we prepare to welcome our little guy, four weeks early.  I guess he didn't want to miss out on the birthday celebration.  We think he'll arrive sometime tomorrow...we'll keep you all posted."

About 9:30 p.m. we decided to leave Erika and Brad at the hospital, and head back to the house to get some sleep.  Labor was progressing very slowly.   We left them with clear instructions to call us when there is any news.
By the time you read this, we may already have welcomed our grandson.

It will be a very busy day tomorrow, and the next day, and...

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."  ~~John Lennon

Thank you for your thoughts, energy, prayers, support.  Tonight we humbly ask you to keep Erika, Brad, and the Baby in a special place in your heart.

Kathy and Barry

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to have baby arrive early! I am praying for a safe delivery and health for all. Barryblooks great and the full bladder must be uncomfortable....especially at such a public place like a hospital.

    Waiting for a new life arriving!
