Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What a big surprise!!

The Happy Mother-to-Be, Just Getting Started

Hello to All!

Welcome to our exciting day...

Barry wore his bright, neon green 2010 "Beat the Odds" t-shirt to his treatment this morning.  Very eye-catching!  We made a few stops on the way home, and arrived just in time for lunch.

Daughter, Erika, phoned just as Barry was sitting down to eat, and he cheerfully began singing "Happy Birthday, to You..." but was cut off mid-song when she told him she needed us to rush over to her house and take her to the hospital--NOW!  (Her husband, Brad, was in his clinic seeing patients of his own.)

That was the beginning of our second adventure at the hospital, Barry still wearing his bright green shirt..  In Erika's words, "It will be a very memorable one (birthday) as we prepare to welcome our little guy, four weeks early.  I guess he didn't want to miss out on the birthday celebration.  We think he'll arrive sometime tomorrow...we'll keep you all posted."

About 9:30 p.m. we decided to leave Erika and Brad at the hospital, and head back to the house to get some sleep.  Labor was progressing very slowly.   We left them with clear instructions to call us when there is any news.
By the time you read this, we may already have welcomed our grandson.

It will be a very busy day tomorrow, and the next day, and...

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."  ~~John Lennon

Thank you for your thoughts, energy, prayers, support.  Tonight we humbly ask you to keep Erika, Brad, and the Baby in a special place in your heart.

Kathy and Barry

Monday, January 30, 2012

1 Down and Only 39 More to Go!!

When first diagnosed I felt kind of puny

Good evening family and friends,

Well, today was the day we've been leading up to since our first visit with the radiation oncologist way back in early November.  It almost seems like a lifetime ago.  The actual procedure was pretty anticlimactic. After verifying who I was - I wonder if that was the verify part of "set-up and verify" - I climbed up on the table and they fitted me with my special mold and told me to breathe normally and lay still.  Pretty easy directions, except they also asked me to arrive with a full bladder.  Needless to say, I was hoping for a very short session.  Because of the set-up, this session was somewhat longer than I expected.  I decided the best way through it all was to visualize our view from the lanai in Mexico.  That worked pretty well except the music they were playing wasn't exactly a Mexican theme.  Maybe they will let me bring in a wave machine.  The bottom line is that the machine does all the work and I just have to lay there and zone out.  It is much less annoying and noisy than an MRI. Note to self, drink less water before future sessions.  

Today's appointment was set for early afternoon.  The +/- 15 minute appointments for the rest of this week and most of next will be all over the board, ranging from just after 9:00 a.m. to noon.  In mid-February I finally secure my requested 10:00 a.m. time slot.  That will be our routine for the duration - Monday through Friday at 10:00.  The schedule they gave me shows the last day for treatment will be March 23.

We checked the price for both of us on the light rail, and found it to be much more expensive than first thought, because Kathy does not qualify for the senior rate.  We also  found out that the stop nearest the hospital is across two busy streets and not really all that close.  Therefore, we decided driving will actually take less time and be much more convenient.  That will also allow us to more easily incorporate other errands into our daily routine.  This is particularly true since we pass Fred Meyers, Winco, and Kohl's stores along the route.  If we can't find what we need at those stops, there is a New Seasons Market within easy walking distance of the house and Costco is right down the street in the other direction.  An added bonus is that Kathy discovered a special parking area right outside the door to the lab which is for radiation oncology patients only, saving a 10-minute walk from the parking garage through the center of the hospital.

I have referenced our diet several times.  Well, it seems that the anti-cancer diet which we have been learning about and trying to follow since being diagnosed, includes a lot of garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables, primarily broccoli and more recently brussel sprouts.  Now, after only one session,  I was told that the treatment might work better with a less gassy diet.  How dare they?!!  Hard to tell if it is me or themselves they are most worried about. I took them so seriously we had steamed brussel sprouts tossed in homemade Mediterranean dressing as a side dish for dinner tonight.  We'll see.

We are making this as enjoyable an experience as possible.  Kathy attended a neighborhood baby shower for Erika yesterday while Brad and I played a round of disc golf in the rain.  We started today with a long walk to get better acquainted with our new neighborhood .  We are already seeing signs of spring including a flowering tree on the hospital grounds.  I'm sure we'll find many things to be thankful for along the way.
The continued notes, prayers, and other support from our family and friends helps incredibly. Thank you all so much.

     Barry and Kathy
     Now I'm ready!  As the shirt Matt gave me says, BRING IT ON!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Back in Oregon

Hello Family and Friends,

We are safely back in Oregon after our very relaxing week in Mexico.  What a transition!  Yesterday was a very busy day for us.  I had my rescheduled appointment at Oregon Health Sciences University for a bone density test that we cancelled two weeks ago because of snow.  The medication that goes along with the cancer treatment can lead to a dangerous reduction in bone mass.  Even though I take special supplements to combat this effect, it is very important to establish a baseline and continue to monitor for loss.  The drive across town in the fog was much more exciting than the test itself. We didn't get lost, and took only one unintended detour.  Thanks to Garmin, it was only temporary.  Then, after some shopping and preparing a nice dinner at Erika's, we made the move into what will be our  "home" for the next couple of months.  Thank you Rob and Susan Thomason for making your beautiful home available to us.   We are nearly settled in.

Today we took advantage of what appears to be the last good day, weather-wise, for awhile.  Kathy and Erika took a nice walk in a nearby park, while Brad and I played a round of disc golf.  Then Brad and Erika joined us in our new home for dinner.  After sharing their home so often, it felt really strange visiting with them in our own space, then watching them walk out the door to go home.

Everything so far has been the lead-up to the first actual radiation treatment session, which is planned for this coming Monday afternoon.  It will be a lengthy session called "setup and verify", whatever that means.  From then on I will go in five days a week for a 15-minute treatment, with the weekends off for good behavior.  It will be really interesting to see what happens with the "verify" portion of the session on Monday.  Between the medication and a radical change in diet - more on that later - many of the symptoms which have been bothering me for the past year and a half are greatly diminished. To me, that indicates that the tumor may have shrunk, prior to receiving any radiation treatment.   Our feelings continue to be very positive toward the treatment I've received so far, the beneficial life-style changes the diagnosis has prompted, and the ultimate outcome.

Thanks, as always, for your continued prayers and support.  This is particularly important to us as we approach the actual radiation treatment and all the unknowns that will go along with it.

     Barry and Kathy

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life's a Beach...

The view of the Sea of Cortez from our lanai this morning

Hola!, Family and Friends,

We are already more than half way through our Mexican adventure.  We almost wish time could stand still. 

In all of our readings about how to take control and be proactive during cancer treatment, one of the things that stands out is to learn the art of relaxation and meditation.  Taking this trip to Cabo and staying on the beach is no accident.  When everything (rates, accommodation, dates) fell into place, we knew we needed to do it.  We were right on!  It has given us an incredible opportunity to relax, talk, reflect, plan, and to just be together in a beautiful setting with minimal outside distractions and no immediate demands.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Have a great week.

    Barry and Kathy

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hola! We made it.


We made it to Cabo without any problems and on time, despite the dire weather warnings in Portland.   4" of wet snow in the morning and reports of closed highways afirmed our decision to spend the night near the airport.

We arrived at the condo in San Jose del Cabo right at 5:00 p.m. local time--MST--so all we managed to do today was orient ourselves and walk to the Super Mega grocery/dept. store about 3/4 mile away.  We needed the exercise, and managed to find most of the things on our "healthy diet" list.  It's a new type of trip to Mexico--no Cervesa, no chips... but we'll still try to find those awesome taco stands!
To promote a more-relaxed stay, we decided not to rent a car .   Which means interesting shuttle, cab, bus rides, lots of walking, and we won't be tempted to spend long hours in a car, on an adventure. If we can figure out how, we will attach some photos to the blog. 

Reports of -11*, or 1.5*, ice fishing, and wondering if school will be cancelled makes us wish you were here.  We hope your sunsets are beautiful!

Take care, stay warm,
Kathy and Barry

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Best laid plans....

Good evening from PDX,

No medical stuff to report for today because the traffic was so backed up on Highway 26 this morning due to snow that I had to cancel and reschedule my bone density test at OHSU.  There were snow flurries throughout the day, but not much stuck in the Hillsboro area.  Sylvan Hill above the zoo was the real bottleneck.  The big one is supposed to roll in tonight and tomorrow and the forecast is for up to three inches of snow on the valley floor by tomorrow morning - even more at higher elevations.  We just didn't think attempting a cross town commute at 4:00 a.m. made much sense, particularly in a rental car with summer tires.  So, we drove to the airport area after rush hour this evening and are spending the night in a hotel over here instead.  A quick shuttle to the airport in the morning and then we just hope our plane can get out.   Makes us really appreciate living so close to the airport at home.  With any luck, our next post will be from San Jose del Cabo.

Stay warm!!
    Barry and Kathy

Monday, January 16, 2012

The "Simulation"

Greetings family and friends,
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.  We have really enjoyed the comments and e-mail messages.  Apparently our attempts to reach out were successful. 
My "simulation" went well today.  We've been skirting around snow showers trying to meet our schedules, but made it to the hospital in plenty of time this morning.   After the scan, I was told that I would need to be tattooed with "targets".  I asked for a whale tail, an eagle head, and a woman's torso, but no such luck.  All they gave me were three "freckles", one on the side of each hip and one well below the navel. I thought I was going to have to be fitted for a hard cast for positioning, but it turned out to be a funky beanbag contraption that they wrapped around my legs and sucked the air out of.  It is supposed to hold its (my) shape for the duration of treatment. I certainly hope so!  I asked the technician a lot of questions about the science behind what was going on.  Her common response was, "I'm just the technician.  Ask the doctor during your weekly consultations".   Lots to learn, but I think it will be relatively painless and perhaps we can even have a bit of fun along the way.  We'll let you know how it goes on the 30th.  That will be a long session and the first real treatment. 

There are snow winter storm warnings for this area though Wednesday morning.   We have to be to the airport by 6:00 a.m. Wed. morning to catch our flight to San Jose del Cabo where it is forecast to be in the low 80's.  There is a chance we may not make it across town because of snow.  What's wrong with this picture?   We expect that in Petersburg, not in Portland. 
Stay warm!!!
      Barry and Kathy

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The journey begins...

Greetings to All of our Friends and Family,

We're trying out this "blog" format in an attempt to keep everyone up-to-date with regard to Barry's treatment for prostate cancer.  Since we're just learning how to do this, the format may change while it evolves.  Thanks for bearing with us!

We arrived in Portland, OR, on schedule, Thursday, Jan. 12.  We headed directly to daughter Erika's in Hillsboro, where we've had a couple days to decompress, visit, and start preparations for the months ahead.
Tomorrow, Monday, Jan. 16, is the date we've been anticipating/dreading since early November when the timing of Barry's cancer treatment was established.   The "set-up" for the radiation treatment is scheduled for tomorrow morning.  This is what we understand will take place:  Detailed CT scans will be done to determine what the exact position of the patient should be and where to target the beams. Also, a mold of his body will be made and a cast created, which will keep him immobile during each radiation treatment.   We base this info on our own research regarding the procedure, as no clear description was given to us by the Radiation Oncology Dept. before we left Portland in mid-November.
The computer modeling, etc., will take about two weeks to complete, so actual treatment doesn't begin until Jan. 30.   

Rather than just hanging out in the chilly, damp Northwest for the two-week waiting period, we decided to take a break and head to San Jose del Cabo at the tip of Baja.  We'll be there for a week, working on our Vitamin D absorption, relaxing, and walking on the beach.  Barry says, why not get some full-body radiation before starting the targeted radiation?  Yes, we will use sunscreen!

This is our tentative schedule for the next 10 weeks--knowing full well that We plan; God laughs.

 Mon., Jan 16, radiation simulation/set-up, Providence, St. Vincent's
Tues., Jan 17, Bone density scan OHSU
Wed., Jan. 18, PDX > CABO
Wed., Jan 25, CABO > PDX
Move into rental in Orenco Station, Hillsboro, sometime in this time frame (Thank you, Thomasons!)
Mon., Jan 30, Barry starts radiation
Five days a week for eight weeks, radiation.  We hope to get it scheduled for morning, but that's not determined, yet.
February 28, Erika & Brad's Baby Boy will be born--Riiiight...
March 23, end of treatment, hopefully and home soon after.

More to come--there will be lots to tell!
No doubt, Barry will have a story or two about tomorrow's escapade!

Good night, Shalom,
Barry & Kathy