Wednesday, February 1, 2012

He's Here!!!

Rowan Bracken Probst

The proud parents with their precious son
Hello again family and friends,

After a long labor, Erika and Brad welcomed Rowen Bracken Probst into the world at 12:02 p.m. today.  He weighed in at 5lbs. 10oz, which is a perfect size considering he is exactly 4 weeks early.  We were able to sneak in for a few minutes to greet him and snap a few pictures.  All three look amazing.  He is definitely a keeper!!  Thank you all very much for your thoughts, prayers and positive energy during the long labor. 

My treatment was at 9:12 this morning - yes they time it to the minute - so I went right up to the labor and delivery waiting room right from radiation. Well not exactly right up.  Radiation Oncology is on the lower level in the East Wing and Labor and Delivery is on the third floor in the West Wing.  It is a huge complex.  It would be very easy to get your daily exercise just walking the hallways.  Kathy was in Erika's room by the time I got up to the third floor, but at that stage of labor I wasn't welcome.  I should have gone back to the car at that point to get my camera, but wasn't sure we would get a chance to see him today.  By the time we found out Rowan was born and we could visit I had to rush outside, cross the street to the parking garage, go up two flights of stairs, head back across to the hospital down the hall and head up the elevator all at very brisk pace.  By the time I got back upstairs, I was exhausted and Kathy was already in the room greeting our new grandson and congratulating the proud parents.   The pictures are precious and I'll always be glad I had the camera with me and took the time to retrieve it from the car.

We took some time this afternoon to go over to Brad and Erika's house to help make it a bit more ready for their return from the Hospital.  Brad will stay at the hospital again tonight.  We did some sorting and washing newborn clothes and straightening up in the nursery.  To be totally honest, Kathy washed and sorted clothes.  I put away a few things and went for a long walk.  Erika was very close to being ready, but I guess no one is ever  totally ready.  We feel blessed to be here and to be part of this exciting time.  

Treatment is progressing well.  I've had some questions from blog readers regarding why the full bladder and concerns about gas, etc.  Well apparently, keeping the bladder full and the bowel empty helps keep the target area clear and minimizes collateral damage to surrounding tissue.  The good news is that I really don't have to consume liquid to the point of pain to meet that objective.  

Because I knew I'd be spending extra time at the hospital today anyway, I took the time to look over the machinery a bit before they kicked me out to bring in the next patient.  Those minutes count, you know.  I pretty much determined that one could probably buy a city block in a well-to-do downtown neighborhood for what the entire set up must have cost.  The radiation generator is controlled entirely by a huge bank of computers with programs individualized for each patient.  The unit rotates completely around the body in both directions and emits radiation at varying doses through the full cycle. A series of movable tungsten "leaves" control the amount and direction of the radiation dose.  The bed is made entirely of carbon fiber so the radiation passes right through.  They position the machine with laser dots on my tattoos then adjust the position slightly as necessary with a CT scan from the same machine to account for any movement of internal organs and particularly the prostate since the last treatment.  The procedure is not considered a full image guided radiation therapy (IGRT), which is the current state-of-the-art, but it is an image calibrated form of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) which is right up there with the best of the best.  Pretty darn impressive technology.

Thank you has always for your thoughts and prayers.  It has already been a wild ride and we have seven weeks and two days of treatment left.  Can't see how it can get much better than this.

     Barry and Kathy


  1. Congratulation Kathy & Barry (and Erica & Brad on your new Grandson!
    Keep up the good progress and healthy attitude!!

  2. So exciting for you to be right there...happy birthday to Rowan and best wishes to all.

  3. Thanks so much for the wishes! You know, well, how wonderful it is being a grandparent!!
    The excitement is good for the soul!
