Monday, January 16, 2012

The "Simulation"

Greetings family and friends,
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.  We have really enjoyed the comments and e-mail messages.  Apparently our attempts to reach out were successful. 
My "simulation" went well today.  We've been skirting around snow showers trying to meet our schedules, but made it to the hospital in plenty of time this morning.   After the scan, I was told that I would need to be tattooed with "targets".  I asked for a whale tail, an eagle head, and a woman's torso, but no such luck.  All they gave me were three "freckles", one on the side of each hip and one well below the navel. I thought I was going to have to be fitted for a hard cast for positioning, but it turned out to be a funky beanbag contraption that they wrapped around my legs and sucked the air out of.  It is supposed to hold its (my) shape for the duration of treatment. I certainly hope so!  I asked the technician a lot of questions about the science behind what was going on.  Her common response was, "I'm just the technician.  Ask the doctor during your weekly consultations".   Lots to learn, but I think it will be relatively painless and perhaps we can even have a bit of fun along the way.  We'll let you know how it goes on the 30th.  That will be a long session and the first real treatment. 

There are snow winter storm warnings for this area though Wednesday morning.   We have to be to the airport by 6:00 a.m. Wed. morning to catch our flight to San Jose del Cabo where it is forecast to be in the low 80's.  There is a chance we may not make it across town because of snow.  What's wrong with this picture?   We expect that in Petersburg, not in Portland. 
Stay warm!!!
      Barry and Kathy

1 comment:

  1. Glad all went well with the first visit to St V's. this snow in Oregon seems to be creating havoc for folks. Such a great idea to stay at a hotel @ PDX for the wonderful trip to Cabo! Have a great time and relax in that warm sunshine.
    Susan & Rob
